1. Vitamin C: Belonging to the water-soluble type, Vitamin C is mostly present in citrus fruits such as oranges or lemons and is readily available as a dietary supplement.


  • Helps in the growth and repair of tissues in all parts of the body
  • Heals wounds, and repairs teeth and bones
  • Makes an important protein named Collagen, important for skin and blood vessels


  • It is found helpful to prevent heart diseases and stroke
  • Boost immune system
  • Diets containing vitamin C rich foods decreases the risk of Cancer
  • Vitamin C rich foods contain antioxidants which lower the risk of high blood pressure


  1. Vitamin E: Vitamin E play an important role primarily as an antioxidant in the human body. It is found in foods such as nuts, fruits, eggs and poultry.


  • It repairs damaged skin cells and act as an anti-aging agent
  • It keeps your scalp from becoming flakey and dry, and also thickens the hair
  • When consumed with Vitamin C, Vitamin E improves vision


  • May slow down the process of memory loss in Alzheimer’s Disease patients
  • Can prevents Anemia
  • Some research supports prevention of bladder cancer


  1. Calcium: The most abundant mineral in the human body.


  • It helps in the growth of bones and their repair
  • It helps in maintaining bone strength
  • It is an essential part of the teeth


  • It prevent osteoporosis, a disease which soften the bones
  • Can reduce the risk of rectal and colon cancer
  • Participates in stabilizing high blood pressure in pregnant women


  1. Iron: Iron is a vital mineral required by the human body to perform various tasks. It is found in meat, beans, dried fruits and whole grains.


  • It helps in formation of red blood cells
  • It’s an important component of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to the body


  • It prevents Iron deficiency and anemia
  • May prevent premature birth in pregnant women


  1. Biotin: Biotin is a type of Vitamin that is found in foods in small amounts. It belongs to the Vitamin B family as Vitamin B7.


  • It helps in the breaking of fats and carbohydrates
  • It acts as a coenzyme, needed for the metabolism of amino acids, fatty acids and glucose
  • It helps to keep the skin and hair healthy


  • It prevents thinning of hair and hair loss
  • Supports healthy glucose levels in people suffering from diabetes