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If your pet is experiencing acute vomiting or has motion sickness when traveling one of the drugs your veterinarian may prescribe to help treat your pet’s condition is Cerenia® (maropitant citrate).

What Is Maropitant?

Maropitant citrate is a once-a-day antiemetic medication that is used by veterinarians to help treat acute vomiting or prevent vomiting in pets with motion sickness, undergoing chemotherapy treatment, or prior to surgery.

Why is Maropitant Prescribed in Veterinary Medicine

Maropitant is an effective choice in controlling and preventing vomiting in cats and dogs. Additionally, the medication is available in multiple dosage forms providing a veterinarian with flexibility in dosing and prescribing. With its quick onset and long duration of action, maropitant is a popular choice when indicated.

Dosage and Administration of Maropitant

Maropitant is dosed based on your pet’s weight and the specific indication for use. It is very important to dose this medication exactly as prescribed by your veterinarian.

For prevention of vomiting, it is recommended to administer maropitant at least 2 hours prior to travel with a small amount of food (no more than ¼ usual portion). Avoid wrapping tablets in fatty foods (cheese, deli meat, etc.) to ensure tablets dissolve properly.

Special Precautions for Using Maropitant

Avoid use in pets younger than 2 months, pets with known liver insufficiency, pets with GI obstructions, and pets used for breeding or are pregnant/lactating. Maropitant may interact with other medications your pet takes, ensure your veterinarian has an up-to-date list of all medications your pet takes.

Possible Side Effects of Maropitant

Maropitant is generally well tolerated by animals when the drug is administered as directed. Some potential side effects include: hypersalivation, lethargy, diarrhea and anorexia. More serious side-effects are possible. If you notice a change in behavior or abnormal movements contact your veterinarian immediately.

Known Drug Interactions With Maropitant

Before starting any new medication, make sure your veterinarian is aware of any other medications, vitamins, or supplements your pet is already taking, as there are several medications that may interact with maropitant. Some of the more commonly prescribed medications that interact with maropitant are fluconazole, amlodipine, diltiazem, fluoxetine, terbinafine and NSAIDs.

Proper Storage and Disposal of Maropitant

Maropitant should be stored at a controlled room temperature away from moisture, heat, and direct sunlight (after first vial puncture, injectable forms should be stored in the refrigerator). Do not store it in the freezer. If your veterinarian discontinues your pet’s use of maropitant, the remaining medication should be disposed of in the trash. To dispose of this medication, remove it from its original container and mix it with an undesirable substance such as coffee grounds or cat litter. Put the medication in a sealable bag or container and dispose of in regular trash



Maropitant Use in Cats